Sunday, March 16, 2008

How to Become a Millionaire Even if you Only Earn a Minimum Wage

If you are an employee, you may have the mindset that you can never become a millionaire unless you are a boss, having a team of workers to work for you and making big bucks like moneymaking machine. However, this is not true, in fact, according to a self-made millionaire, it is possible for you, even if you make a minimum wage to be a millionaire.According to him, if you save 10% of your income every month throughout your working lifetime, and make investment that bring at least 10% of returns annually, of course if you can get a higher return, it would be great! Whatever investment vehicles you choose, make sure it gives you 10% of returns or higher. You will become a millionaire by the time you retire. Provided you start young and continue saving and investing along the years.For example, with a monthly investment of $100 with 10% returns for 45 years, you will become a millionaire. To achieve your millionaire goal in 38 years, you may double up your monthly investment to $200 with the same yield. If you have an investment vehicle that gives you 15% returns with a monthly investment of $200, you may become a millionaire in 28 years.If you would like to be a millionaire in shorter years, diversify your investment portfolio into different yield, from 10% to 20% or even higher. ALTERNATIVELY, you may increase your investment capital OR you can combine both of these methods (higher returns and higher capital), that would speed up your dream to become a millionaire.If you cannot save 10% or higher of your income, you may consider to reduce the rate to a level you are comfortable with. The rule of thumb is TO PAY YOURSELF FIRST. Yes! This is what I learn from millionaires and wealth creation programs.Even if you have tons of bills to pay, set aside at least 1%, if not higher of your take-home income for saving / investment fund first. Otherwise, if you spend all your money in bill paying, you are telling yourself that the bill companies are more important than you are!As you become comfortable with living on 99 %, increase your saving up to 2% of your income, then 3%, 5% , 10% or even 50 %. As you save more, your savings and investment also start to grow.Nevertheless, if you are afraid that the money that you have saved may be used for emergency fund or other purposes later, then you can split the money for saving under 2 accounts, one is for a emergency fund (3—6 months of your living expenses) and the other one is for investment only.At first, the amount that you invest may seem very little, but it pays off over the years.I totally understand that it is not easy to save money especially when you live in a material society nowadays. However, if you can practice frugality overtime, it will help you building your wealth.You may think that millionaires do not really care about little money, but this is not true. Even Bill Gates, the world richest man cared about how much he pays for parking fee. There was a time where Gates and his friend went to Hilton Hotel for a meeting, as they were late and could not find a place for parking. Thus, his friend suggested parking the car at the VIP parking lot, which cost $12, Gates disagreed despite the friend offered to pay the fee. And eventually they parked the car elsewhere with a cheaper rate.To Gates, a man that has contributed large amount of money on charity, $12 is very little, yet he ensures himself practiced frugality every moment and maximizes the benefits of every single penny he spend.Another case, have you ever asked for discount when you visit Starbucks coffee house, maybe not! Right? A millionaire told me that he always asks for discount whenever he visits Starbucks, and he got it! Many of us may think that asking for discount is ridiculous and it may bruise your ego if you get rejected or even make the request, especially in such a “high-quality coffee house”, but if a millionaire can do that, why not you? !!Always remember a dollar saved is a dollar earned, whenever you buy something, it is wise to ask yourself: Do I really need this or I just want it! In addition, if the one dollar can bring you a higher return, go for it!

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Top 5 Reasons Why Goal Setting Does not Work for You!!

Despite the fact that success gurus recommend you to set goals, from the yearly, monthly then daily goals, have you ever wondered why you do not feel motivated to work on your own goals?The success gurus say that setting goals is important, they state that you need to plan for success; if you do not plan, you plan to fail! However, why don’t you get motivated by the goals you set? Below are some of the reasons that may cause the blockage, check if any of the reasons below describe your conditions:1. UnrealisticBefore you set your goals, have you to ensure that those goals are realistic and achievable? For example if you never become a millionaire, but your goal is to be a millionaire in 1 month without guidance then your goal is unrealistic. Instead, you should set your millionaire goal into a few years, and break it into small goals then it become more realistic.2. Values MisalignmentBefore you set your goals, it is important to ensure that your goals align with your values or your purpose in life. When people become disconnected from their values, they lose their motivation. For example, if a person’s main value is justice, and he sets a goal on becoming a millionaire in one year, there is no way he will feel motivate towards this financial goal especially if he does not feel that his main value—justice is fulfilled.So when you set your goals, make sure they align with your own values. These goals are not what people tell you to set, but they are your own goals. In other words, if you want to achieve your goals, make sure they align with your values or purpose in life first.3. FearDo you have any fears that keep you from achieving your goals? Any fear of rejection or fear of failure? Too concern about how people may perceive you when you tell them you want to be a millionaire?According to Bill Gates, if you want to be successful, you have to ignore rejection and self-esteem. Fear's real function is to keep you safe. However, sometimes, it can paralyze you into inaction.Have you ever experienced rejection, judgment, or embarrassment? Sure, we all have! It's fear's job to keep you safe from feeling those emotions. When you're about to take a step toward success, you may think of 100 reasons not to take the step, and they all may be centered on fear. If fear over-control your life, you need to learn to handle it.4. ThoughtsIs there any self-criticism in your unconscious mind when you set your goals? Check. Do you always have negative thoughts in your mind: “Stupid!! XXX(your name), you think you can really achieve this! Don’t fantasize anymore!” If yes, you need to learn to analyze why inner self-criticism occur, go to the root of the problem and solve it. Otherwise, there is no way you can achieve your goals.5. WordsStart to analyze from now on with the words you use verbally or internally, are they all conducive towards your goals, or do the words actually sabotage your dreams or goals? Observe if you say…• “ I’m not sure if I can achieve this dream” OR• “I’ll try to make this dreams come true” OR• “ I’m 100% committed to make my dream a success”From the 1st statement, you may not even try to take any action for your goals because you don’t even believe if you can do it. Check for your reasons of doubt and solve it before you work towards your goals.From the 2nd statement, you may put 50% effort or lesser to make your dream come true, because you are not even sure if you can achieve your dream.From the 3rd statement, you will do everything it takes to make your dream come true!Ask yourself, which type of sentence you usually use in your self-talk, as I have stated earlier on, the result for each statement, so speak wisely to yourself, and most importantly honor what you say to yourself. If not, how would others honor your word?

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How to Find and Profit From Joint Ventures

What is a joint venture? A joint venture is an agreement between two or more parties or businesses. This agreement, usually short term in nature, details the distribution of goods, services, and money and allows both parties to share in the profits or losses of the venture.There are three types of Internet Entrepreneurs that might benefit by using joint ventures.1. Those have a good product, but do not have a list. This would include those who are relatively new to the Internet business. This type of person would benefit by finding partners who are in need of a good product and already have a large (or medium sized) list.2. Those who have a large (or medium sized) list, but are in need of a good product. This would include people who focus on list building and do not have the time to develop their own product. It also includes people who do not have the desire or ability to create their own product.3. Just about everybody else. Almost every Internet business could benefit in some way by considering joint ventures. A good joint venture can provide profits for all parties concerned and increase the size of your list. And almost every business can benefit by these two activities.There is little downside in using joint ventures. Of course, you do not want to hammer your list with new offers on a daily basis. That is a recipe for disaster; your subscribers would quickly unsubscribe. (In that case, you would need to do joint ventures to build up your list again!)One of the most difficult things regarding joint ventures is recruiting potential partners. Most successful Internet marketers are extremely busy and receive numerous joint venture requests daily. In order to attract their attention, you’ve got to stand out from the crowd and make a good impression. Never send an email to ‘Dear Webmaster’; these emails are deleted without being read. Do some research and personalize your offer.One of the best ways to recruit partners is to create a unique offer for each person. One way to make your offer unique is to offer them a higher commission. Or you can offer to provide a substantial discount available only to their subscribers. To achieve this, you need to create a new sales page on your website and set up a unique affiliate link or special price for that joint venture. You can even offer some combination of the offers above. You are only limited by your imagination.One thing is certain; there is little downside in doing a joint venture. If you’ve never done one before, go to a few marketing chat rooms and keep your eyes open for posts regarding joint ventures. By doing this on a regular basis, you are bound to find good partnership opportunities. And after you’ve done one, you’ll be hooked.

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The Five Secrets To Making Money

If you were granted one wish what would it be? Most people, in one way or another would wish for more money. They believe that making more money will solve all of their problems and buy them happiness.Many of these people play the lottery, or are always looking for the next get rich quick scheme, but the real reason only 1% of the world's population controls 98% of the wealth is because they know things others don't.What do they know? They know the secrets to making money. These methods are tried and true and haven't changed for hundreds of years. On their own these practices will not guarantee you wealth, but if you use them in accordance with good business and marketing strategies it is hard not to become successful.Making Money Secret #1"Start your own business." Hardly anyone gets rich from a job, unless they are about to be the next CEO at a giant corporation. Even then, you only technically make your money when you are physically at work.Really making money entails making money 24/7, when you work, play, eat or sleep. Start a business that provides you cash flow whether you are there or not.Making Money Secret #2"Time." Time is the one variable on this earth that is the same for everyone. There are only twenty-four hours in a day and one of the main differences between the wealthy and those that aren't is how their time is spent. Wealthy individuals use their spare time to improve their future quality of life. The rest spend their time eating potato chips and zoning out in front of the television.Making Money Secret #3"You are what you think about." If you think about negative things and negative circumstances, you will get negative results. On the other hand, if you think positively about your future, you will achieve positive results.Making money is no different, you need to tell yourself exactly how much you want to make and then believe it to be true. It is this unconditional belief, along with good business skills that will make you money and bring you success in whatever you desire.Making Money Secret #4"Learn, learn, learn, and apply." You are going to need to devour and I mean devour every piece of instructional or educational material that pertains to business and making money. Then you are going to need to take action and apply that knowledge.Making Money Secret #5"Be persistent." This doesn't mean to use the same newspaper ad over and over again if it isn't producing customers or leads, being persistent means to always be focused on your end goal and do whatever is necessary to achieve it.You will probably be surprised at the amount of effort required and the difficult earning experiences you need to go through to become successful. Always keep trying new angles.The road to wealth will be bumpy so you had better be able to face whatever comes your way without getting down on yourself. This is why most people quit, they expect impossible results in a very short amount of time and then when they aren't meant they shout out, "this stuff doesn't work," and go back to their job saying that "money is the root of all evil."Believe me, money is not the root of all evil. Have you ever heard a wealthy person say that? I haven't. Follow the secrets to making money and give your life the freedom it deserves.

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How to Protect yourself From Home Based Business Scams

Home based business gives you a chance to earn money while staying at home. Opportunities are wonderful and in abundance. But, well there is a big "but"', these very attractive opportunities are also fraught with scams and fraudulent schemes. Do you own a home based business? If yes, wake up! It's time you realize that you just have to protect it. Have you been duped? Lost money? Don't be embarrassed, you are certainly not alone.Scam targetsMost people who work at home are likely to be stay-at-home moms, disabled individuals and elderly people as well as the unemployed and these are mostly the main targets of scams. Mothers today feel that they should be there for the children and the husband; they feel the need to earn an income too. A work-at-home-and-make-money ad sounds like an opportunity too good to be true. Indeed, they are too good to be true, many moms have been working hard expecting to be paid only to be told that her work was either not good enough or some other excuse. Work at home jobs involve emailing, typing, medical billing, web site designing and hosting, envelope stuffing in turn involving investment, time and hard work; when payment talks crop up there workman ship is always "not up to standard'. Do you happen to be in this lot? Being a work-at-home scam victim can be depressing and frustrating.What do you do before you invest in a home based business?Ads can be very enticing. They are indeed, attractive and enticing; but better beware. Test yourself before looking at any seemingly attractive home based business opportunity. You have investment; do you dare to use it? Just like that? Can you afford to lose it? Does the offer sound so good that you are pressured into buying it today? Do you know the company or the individual to go ahead? Should your answer to any of these questions be negative, you better think twice.Do you have to pay to work?We need a business to earn income right? Well you do not necessarily to pay the earth to earn a small income. Working at home should be treated as working for any employer at the place of business. At a job interview, the employer would certainly never ask you to pay a fee for materials or starters to land a job, right? If he does it would be absurd. A company or employer actually employs a worker and pays him for a job done. Whenever an ad says pay a certain sum for a certain job or information, it most likely is a scam. However, home based businesses do require a start up cost, investments and the like. What you need to do if you plan to invest in a business is to check and double check before you make an investment.What to check up on?The company offering a job or business (get-rich-quick scheme) must have a proper physical address. It should at least have a phone number, the phone number has to real, you can check this out by trying to call the phone should be answered by a true person not a machine. Before you shell out your precious nest egg to invest, make sure you know the individual or the company well. If you care to check, you might just find outdated information, non working links, no help section and sometimes even no real email support. In this scenario, don't you think you would need to make serious investigations pay up only when you are really sure that the offering company or individual is authentic?Look for credible claimsScheming companies are always vague and incredible, they sell them state names, any important information and cost make sure you have an all clear inside knowledge of companies and any prospective individual. Get your facts crystal clear. Don't ever let your greed get the better of you. Should you fall for attractive ads neglecting the fact that they may be too incredible, you would end up a scam victim.Steer clear of the pyramidThe pyramid is a system of down lines and up lines, recruits and new recruits. Most home based businesses run on the pyramid program, here participants make money only by recruiting new members- down lines - into the program. Payment here is based mainly on recruiting never on the sale of a product. Do you seriously believe this to be feasible? Be wary of the pyramid.Are you so desperate? Don't show it, don't sound itIf you are seriously looking for a business break, web sites or ads promising you the earth in 30 days time are plenty. Oh yes! And very enticing! Chances are this just may not happen. You grab them eagerly. Where ads attract you, you attract scammer sharks. While you grab at jobs offered, they grab at your money. Be calm and "look before you leap".A scam victim? What do you do? Should you find yourself swindled and ripped off, the first thing to do would be to write to the company or the individual concerned, demanding for a pay back. If they do not agree, let them know that officials concerned will be notified.Whatever you do, make your moves sensibly; steer clear of frauds and scammers. All the best to you

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The Powers of a Positive Attitude

I am going to ask you to something very weird right now. First of all, I want you to listen to your thoughts. Now tell me, what thoughts fill your head? Would you label them as positive, or negative?Now let's say you are walking down the street with these thoughts. Do you think anyone who would meet you would be able to tell you what’s on your mind?The answer to number one is up to you. But, the answer number two can be pretty generic. Although people will not be able to tell you exactly what you think, they will more or less have an idea of how you are feeling.Here's another question. When you enter a party filled with friends, do they all fall silent as if something terrible had happened? Or does everybody there perk up as if waiting for something exciting to happen?You know what? The answer to all these depends on your frame of mind.Thoughts are very powerful. They affect your general attitude. The attitude you carry reflects on your appearance, too – unless, of course, you are a great actor.And it doesn't end there. Your attitude can also affect people around you.The type of attitude you carry depends on you. It can be either positive or negative.Positive thoughts have a filling effect. They are admittedly invigorating. Plus, the people around the person carrying positive thoughts are usually energized by this type of attitude.Negative thoughts on the other hand have a sapping effect on other people. Aside from making you look gloomy and sad, negative thoughts can turn a festive gathering into a funeral wake.A positive attitude attracts people, while a negative attitude repels them. People tend to shy away from those who carry a negative attitude.We can also define attitude as the way of looking at the world. If you choose to focus on the negative things in the world, more or less you have a negative attitude brewing up. However, if you choose to focus on the positive things, you are more likely carry a positive attitude.You have much to gain from a very positive attitude. For one, studies have shown that a positive attitude promotes better health. Those with this kind of attitude also have more friends. projecting a positive attitude also helps one to handle stress and problems better than those who have a negative attitude.A positive attitude begins with a healthy self-image. If you will love the way you are and are satisfied, confident, and self-assured, you also make others are around feel the same way.A negative attitude, on the other hand, has, of course, an opposite effect. So, carrying a negative attitude has a twofold drawback. You feel bad about yourself, and you make others feel the same way.If you want to have a positive attitude, you have to feature healthy thoughts. This is probably very hard to do nowadays since, all around us, the media feeds us nothing but negative thoughts. A study shows that for every 14 things a parent says to his or her child, only one is positive. This is truly a saddening thought.If you want a healthier outlook in life, you need to think happy thoughts, and you have to hear positive things as well. So, what can you do? Well, for starters, you could see a funny movie, you could play with children, spend some time telling jokes with friends. All these activities fill you with positive stimuli, which in turn promotes positive attitude.Although it is impossible to keep ourselves from the negative things around us, you can still carry a positive attitude by focusing on the good things, the positive things in life.And this positive attitude you now carry can be of benefit to other people. Sometimes when other people feel down, the thing people mostly do is try to give them advice. But sometimes, all they need is somebody to sit by them, and listen to them. If you have a positive attitude you may be able to cheer them up without even having to say anything.If positive attitude is really great, why do people choose to adopt a negative attitude instead? One who carries a negative attitude may be actually sending a signal for attention. Before you get me wrong, feeling sad, angry, or gloomy is not wrong itself. But dwelling on these thoughts for far too long is not healthy either. There is a time to mourn.As always, if you are beset by troubles, even in your darkest hour, focus on the good things in life, you will always have hope. Problems become something you can overcome.You do not have much to lose by adopting a healthy, positive attitude. Studies show that such an attitude actually retards aging, makes you healthier, helps you develop a better stress coping mechanism, and has a very positive effect on all the people you meet every day. So, what's not to like about a positive attitude? Adopt one today.

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Network Marketing Goals That Grab the Tiger by the Tail

Are you ready to get serious about making money in Network Marketing? It’s very normal for people in life to have goals in their job, in their family, in the hobbies, but why is it so rare for people to have clear network marketing goals? If you’re ready to Grab the Tiger by the Tail, then get ready to set some life changing goals.Goals that will Grab the Money Making Tiger By the Tail1) Income Producing Goals – If there’s 10 million people in network marketing, about 9.9 million don’t have income producing goals. You can easily set yourself apart from the vast majority of network marketing business owners, just by having goals that actually produce income. Frankly, most people spend more time cleaning their desk and getting ready to work their business, then they spend actually working to grow their income.Income producing goals are very clearly connected with growing your business. How many new prospects did you create today? How many 3 way calls? How many times did you show your business plan? Those kinds of daily goals make money. Thank my stars, it doesn’t matter how clean my desk is. I’d be hopelessly lost.2) Realistic Goals - Your goals need to be believable. If you’ve never enrolled anyone in network marketing, then you probably won’t enroll 10 on your first day. Set goals that make you stretch, but that have a realistic chance of working for you. It’s ok for your goals to make you uncomfortable, but if they’re not believable then you won’t take action.3) Quantifiable Goals – What get’s measured gets done. Set your goals with great specificity. If you don’t, then you will never really know if you were successful. For example, if you say your goal is to talk to some new people today. You might just say hello to someone on the street and think your done for the day. Set goals like, Today, I’m going to do 10 3-way calls with my downline. A goal like that can be measured and achieved.4) Sustainable Goals – Remember, you’re in this for success. If you set goals that demand too much for too long, you’ll burn yourself out and make your family resentful. Pick goals that you can keep up for the long haul. If you want to blitz for 90 days, go for it. Just make sure that your family buys into it.

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Make Money With Your Photos- picture

So you learned to take a great picture and now you would like to make some cash from them (and of course, share your artwork with the world). Here are three ways you can go about this without costing you a fortune.--Create your own products using your photos, such as framed prints, greeting cards or t-shirts, and sell them on Ebay. Ebay receives millions of visitors eager to buy, provides easy step by step instructions on getting you set up (their website also offers advice and tips on selling) and costs are very minimal. You have the choice to auction your product or let your customer "buy now". Your biggest investment in this is producing your products.--Sell products on Cafepress. They provide the products (framed prints, t-shirts, coasters, mousepads, clocks, teddy bears and much more) which you will apply your photos to (just upload and add to the product you choose) and they provide complete service (orders, delivery, complaints). You build your store (through their website) either using one of their templates or you can customize your own using HTML. They have a base price for each product and you set the price above that. You are paid the price above the base price. You can open a free store or you can pay a small fee each month and receive more benefits. Thou your products will appear in their Marketplace (which they receive millions of customers) so will millions of other products. So your biggest investment here is to advertise your store. I am not going into advertising here but there are free and low cost ways of doing this (read articles regarding this matter).--Submit your photos to online stock agencies such as Shutterstock, Fotosearch or iStockphoto. Stock agencies house large files of images and markets the photos to potential clients. You are paid a percentage or a set price of each sale. You give these clients permission to use your photo (such as in their magazine or on their personal website) but they can not resell to profit from.Whichever way you decide to sell your photos, the better the resolution your pictures are, the better the quality. To achieve this, first you must have a high megapixel digital camera. This does not mean you need to buy the top of the line. A 5 megapixel is quite sufficient. Second, your picture should have a high DPI (dots per inch) such as 300. If you want a high quality 8x10 inch picture, you will multiply the DPI by the inch. For instance, 8x300=2400 and 10x300=3000 so you want your picture size (resolution) to be 2400x3000 pixels. You can always decrease the size of your picture but never increase the original size.Before joining any program, be sure to read their terms carefully. I wish you much success!

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Advertising Campaigns And Craigslist

Craigslist provides a worthwhile media for an advertising campaign for any business offering their services and products. Any business owner can appreciate the financial gains of advertising on Craigslist, whether their services and products are available through real stores or e commerce websites.There is little risk involved in advertising on Craigslist, unlike other forms of advertising media. Advertising is free on Craigslist, with the exception of posting for housing and jobs in in specific markets. Users must agree with the terms of service for Craigslist and must follow their specific guidelines while placing advertisements; however, it is free to use. This means you do not have to concern yourself financially to place your business advertisements or meeting potentials in terms of sales generated.Reach Potential Consumers on CraigslistYou can reach a multitude of potential consumers when placing advertisements for services and products on Craigslist, as it is worthwhile. Craigslist provides a fact sheet for review that reveals significant information concerning the websites flow of internet traffic. Craigslist enjoys nearly four billion page views each month, while ten million people a month use Craigslist. These statistics clearly show that advertisements placed on Craigslist receive some attention by potential consumers.The advertising possibilities are limitless with so many people visiting Craigslist each month, however there is no guarantee any of those visitors will find interest in your service or product. As with any marketing campaign, your advertisements must be informative and appealing while being placed in the best location on Craigslist so that you reach your target viewers.Locating your Craigslist Target ViewersIt is essential that your advertising have the proper structure to reach your target viewers as opposed to a large audience of internet users who hold not interest in your services or products. It is in your best interest to reach a small audience of those individuals who do find interest in your services and products, since those with an interest are your target viewers.To reach your target viewers on Craigslist you must place your advertisements in the most appropriate locations. There are specific sections for businesses to place their advertisements on Craigslist. There are a number of categories in this section. A computer repair business would be wise to place advertisements in the computer section rather than the automotive section since anyone looking for help with computers will naturally look there first. Sometimes it is appropriate to place advertisements in other sections as well. As long as it does not cross the line into spamming the section, it is acceptable to do so.You have a couple of options when there is no specific section for your advertisements. You could place your advertisement in the small business section where it is easy find while doing a search of this section. On the other hand, feel free to contact Craigslist to make suggestions of additional categories. If they believe the category warrants an addition, they may be willing to accommodate the section.Advertising and Spamming There is a DifferenceCraigslist provides for advertising, but not for spamming. Placing an advertisement in the correct section on Craigslist is fine, however you cannot place the same advertisement in every section of Craigslist as this is spamming, no matter the geographical region. There are numerous reasons why spamming is unproductive.When potential consumers see spam, they know what it is and will more than likely not patronize your business. When Craigslist finds someone practicing the technique of spamming, all the advertisements are deleted and they may very well ban that individual for their website. This means spamming is really a big waste of your valuable time and not worthwhile in the least

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Make Money and Generate Traffic With your Article

People write articles for different reasons. Some people write to see their name in print, others try to generate traffic to their blog or website, and some write articles to generate income. I write for traffic and income. And, I must admit, it has worked out quite well on both fronts.Before I started writing articles, the traffic to my sites was growing quite slowly, as was my income. One month I made $3.67, the next month I made $5.21. Hardly enough to live on!I did some intensive research to develop a strategy to increase my income as well as traffic to my site and do it as cheaply as possible. I researched hundreds, maybe thousands, of articles on the subjects. I concluded that I could achieve both of my goals quite effectively by writing articles.When I began marketing articles, I focused primarily on the income they could generate. The traffic was an added bonus. All of the articles I write are targeted to correspond to a product or service I’m promoting. This strategy has worked extremely well for me. In my first month using this method, I made $167. This represented a huge increase over prior months. Now, after applying this strategy for a little over six months, I make several thousand per month and it’s growing very nicely. Of course, to make this kind of money, you have to write a lot of articles. You will not achieve these results by writing 10 articles per month! You have to write and submit several articles each day.With each of my articles, I carefully craft a resource box with either two or three links. Each resource box is targeted to the information contained in that article. Each link is closely related to the subject of that article. If a reader was interested in my article, they will probably be interested in the related links that I provide in my resource box.If readers like my style of writing, the information I provide, and the design of my article, they will click on my links. If they do not like the article, they will most likely leave the article before finishing it. For that reason, those who are interested in the topic and like my style will click my link.My website provides me with another advantage. I offer many free ebooks, pdf’s, and articles at my site. And, as a general rule, people like free stuff. I publicize this fact in my resource box and get plenty of traffic from my articles. If you want to generate additional traffic, offer people plenty of stuff for free

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Get Published to Make Money and Get Rich Online

The Internet is not called the “Information Superhighway” for nothing. You may be focused on your goal to get rich from the Internet that you’ve forgotten why people log on to the World Wide Web in the first place. The truth of the matter is, the Internet has now become the world’s primary source of information. People go straight to the Web when they need information about something. This is what the people who’ve managed to get rich by selling information online had in mind.There are a lot of ways to get rich online, and one of them is to write, publish, and sell your own e-book. In selling an e-book, you are not just selling a book. You are selling information. If there is something you are knowledgeable about, and you think you can manage to write an e-book on the topic, you can easily be one of the many people who can get rich through this online money-making opportunity. There have been many others, and they have sworn to make money by selling information. You, too, can get rich by writing and selling what you know.You’re probably wondering whether you have what it takes to write an e-book. Don’t worry, though. Many non-authors or people who have no technical expertise in writing have claimed that they have published their e-books and make money out of it. This is true. What you need, however, is to think like a buyer to know what kind of information will be valuable to them. What do people want to know about nowadays? It’s a good thing, then, that you don’t have to grovel for this information. Surveys have been conducted regarding what people want to know, and results show that naturally, people want to know how to make money. Now, there’s a very important lead, so start writing and get rich now.But is writing down what you know all there is to it? If there have been many people who succeeded in writing and selling e-books online, there are also those who have failed. To avoid being one of these people, there are some things you need to know. In selling your e-book, you can’t just put it out there and expect people to flock to it. Obviously, you have to market it. You have to drive traffic to your website, price the e-book right, build links to your website, and give interested buyers an easy way to purchase your e-book right away. Most importantly, you have to build your credibility so people would think they will get valuable information out of you. There are many ways to do this. As a new e-book author, this may be harder, but you can try setting up an online portfolio that people can browse through. As you start selling e-books, however, you can get your past buyers to write testimonies for you and your e-book. This way, people will have more bases on why to buy your e-book. If you market your e-book the right way, there is no doubt that you can make money and get rich because of it.If you think that this money-making opportunity can work for you, why don’t you start now? If you are still mulling over the “writing” part, why don’t you start with an e-booklet or e-pamphlet? Once you start to make money by selling information, you definitely won’t want to stop. Several successful e-book authors and sellers have gotten rich. Now, it’s your turn to get rich.

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How to Start a Home Based Business

Are you a stay at home mom? Or are you forced to be at home because of some physical handicap? Well, these reasons shouldn't stop you from earning your own income and being able to be financially independent! Here are some tips to help you start your own home based business.Analyze your budgetThis is the first step towards starting your own home based business. You will need to see how much money is coming in at present, how much you will need to spend and how much you can set aside as savings. You can also assess your inherent skills, experiences and learnings from the previous job etc. This way you will know which sort of home based business you need to start. Almost every home based business opportunity is going to demand a certain amount of money and investment. So you need to know where you stand at present as far as financial stability is concerned.Matching skills to businessesThe next step is to analyze your current market. Check to see which trends are doing well, what people tend to prefer etc. Also be sure to assess your own skills first to see which kinds of businesses are most suitable for your purpose. You can easily browse the Internet to find scores of opportunities which are sure to match your skill sets. Through intensive research and study of the market you can find a suitable target segment for your business.Competitive analysisLet's face it - at the end of the day, home based or not a business is a business. That means competition. So you need to assess your current competition in the niche you have identified for yourself. Find out what your competitors are offering. Then assess what is it that you can do differently because that is going to be your USP or value proposition. Business workflowEvery business needs to be organized and systematic in order to succeed. Therefore if you intend on starting a home based business you need to establish a definite workflow and set of processes which will keep the business going. Take each department one by one. Start with the sales and marketing, take into consideration aspects like raising the invoice, promotional materials to be used, demos etc. In terms of accounting, you need to have functional and robust payment gateways established on your website. Then you also need to attend to details like website management, purchase statistics etc. You will also need to regularly monitor the performance of your website via back end logs.Business planYou will also need to lay down a definite business plan. This will talk in detail about the target market you are dealing with, the profile of the audience, demographics, as well as scope of the business. Then talk about USPs of your product, how you intend to capture the market. Talk about definite advertising plans or promotions you wish to embark on. You can also elaborate on the criteria which you think will boost sales and talk about capitalizing on each of these.Theory vs. practiceWhile you might have laid down everything about the home based business on paper, fact is, it's a lot about trial and error. Since you are running a business you need to be equipped and prepared to take risks. You will also need to test out different aspects of your business model against real world scenarios to find out which one works and which doesn't. Sometimes you will also find that what sounds good on paper may actually backfire when applied to the real world.Business objectivesEvery business's success depends on its future goals. Therefore you will also need to set down definite goals for the short term, medium and long term. You will need to figure out if you're happy with promoting other products for a premium or commission or you are happier making your own products and selling them by yourself. While both approaches have their own pros and cons, many people have earned money through both these methods. However the business model you choose will depend on your goals - both personal and professional.

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What Makes a Good Blogger?

I've been blogging for a while now and one thing I noticed while reading other blogs is that some of them suck. There - I said it!It's not hard to find a blog that has either died (that is, the author doesn't update it anymore), provides the wrong information, has spelling and grammar mistakes or the theme itself makes you sick.I've compiled a list of 5 traits that a good blogger should have.Be PersonalA good blogger should provide insight and a touch of their personal side while writing. The information offered should not be recycled, but fresh and informative (especially on a marketing blog). A blogger should be responsive to their audience, be easily accessible, respond to comments and provide dialog that's easy to make sense of.Have a PersonalityThe blogger personality is a huge key when it comes to having your audience like you or hate you. This is where it gets tricky - you want to be somewhere between 'liked' and 'hated'. You want to be hated enough to cause a little controversy and discussion amongst your readers, but likable enough that even those that hate you will come back to read more. Make sense?Be PassionateIf you're not passionate about what you're writing about, it shows and your readers will know it. You shouldn't have to struggle when writing a post - it should come naturally. If this isn't the case, you're writing on the wrong subject. Have fun while writing and don't force yourself too much.Post PicturesEvery now and then post a photo to go along with your post. It doesn't have to be a photo of yourself (although you could do that too), but a photo related to whatever your post happens to be about. For example, I try to post at least one photo along with each post I make, but sometimes I don't post any. I like to switch it up a bit.Stay FocusedIf your blog is about detailing cars, don't write about your political opinions - it's pretty straight forward. Most blogs I visit like to freestyle on the weekends and break a few of the rules. This is good because it gives the reader a chance to see what else you can write about. But remember, 99% of the time your content should match your title. Your readers were attracted to your blog in the first place because of its subject; try to keep their focus (and yours) as much as possible

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5 Reasons Why Accessibility Is Good For SEO

When creating an accessible website it is essential that you use valid HTML to allow all web browsing software the best chance to correctly read and display/output your website pages.The SEO advantage of this is that the same rules apply to search engine robots that visit and spider your website as part of the process of adding your site to their listings. If the robot is unable to correctly read the HTML then this may result in it hitting a dead end and will prevent it from listing the full web page correctly and may also prevent further pages within your website from being found by the search engine.2) Correct Structuring of HTMLAs with all programming and markup languages, there are correct and incorrect ways to structure a document. For optimal output, HTML provides tags that each have their own purpose. Some examples are: title, h1, h2, strong, em alt=, title=. For accessibility these tags should completed and used correctly to help provide users with easy to read structured information.Search engines uses these tags to help weigh how relevant your web page is for certain search terms. So by correctly including your targeted search terms within these tags you can help your web page rank for these specific terms better than they would without using the tags.3) Descriptive Titles and LinksTo help users quickly determine the subject of a web page it is important to include relevant terms within the title of the page. It is also necessary to include relevant link descriptions for screen readers. So rather than having a link that would read "Click Here" you would use a descriptive link such as "Blue Widgets".To tell a search engines the subject of each of your web pages it is important to include relevant search terms within in the individual page titles. By using descriptive search terms in links you help pass relevancy to the targeted page for that search term and this also helps describe to search engine what each linked web page is about. This becomes even more important when you ask other websites to link to your website as this will count as a "vote" within the search engines for your website for the search term within the anchor text.4) Lowers Bounce RatesThe purpose of accessibility is to allow as many users as possible to correctly view and use your website without hitting barriers that prevent them from accessing information. This includes people with disabilities or temporary injuries (eg. a broken arm) and can also help people with lower spec computers or poor Internet connections.Whether the purpose of your website is to provide a service, sell products or simply offer a source of information, then the more users who are able to use your website without hitting barriers the more chance the website will have of being successful. If users have a positive experience they will stay and use your website for longer, this can also increase the traffic to your site through word of mouth referrals.5) Reduces Code to Content RatioIn the early days of creating websites using HTML, tables tended to be used to structure a web page design. This causes problems for accessibility mainly due to certain screen readers outputting the information in a linear fashion rather than column by column.Tabled structured web page designs tend to be bulky and require a lot more HTML coding than is necessary. Through using CSS to correctly style you web page design you can reduce the total HTML code whilst also keeping the exact look and feel that you want. This prevents the actual content of your website from being diluted by code and will help search engine more efficiently detect what search terms you web page is relevant to. Another advantage is that with less code the page will load quicker in a web browser making your website a better experience for users.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Internet Home Business Idea - How To Master The Art-And-Science of Making Money?

Are you planning to get rich on the internet with your online business idea? Do you ask this question - how to start an internet business? If you answered yes, I have some secrets to share, if you apply them you will achieve massive success starting today. Here are 4 simple easy to follow steps that will surely make you highly successful with your internet home based business beyond your wildest dreams... Step 1 - Power of Focus. Step 2 - Go With Your Passion. Step 3 - Keep Learning. Step 4 - Work Hard. The purpose of this article is to tell you the exact truth about making money online with your internet home business idea. Lets get down to dirty internet home based business details... Step 1 - Power of Focus. There are various opportunities on the internet to get started making money. This includes... 1. Selling your own products. 2. Selling affiliate products. 3. Starting with online auctions like ebay. 4. Making money with google adsense. The reason why so many people fail apart from having so many business opportunities is simple. They lack focus. You have to pick up one thing and do it right and master it to the Nth degree. Step 2 - Go With Your Passion. You have to make sure that you move along with your passion and your interest. If you like writing focus on writing and submitting articles in your niche. This will get you traffic to your site and make money. Step 3 - Keep Learning. It is very important that you continue your education in whatever you are doing. Learning will keep you updated with the latest tactics going around and you will be one who will tap into latest money making tactics instantly. Step 4 - Work Hard. There is nothing for free. Either you pay money and get the work done, or you work hard yourself. If you lack money the only option left for you is to work hard to setup your internet business. You have to either put your time or money to start and promote your internet business. If you do this on regular basis and be consistent enough you will soon see massive success with your internet home business idea.

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How I Created a Cash Pulling Machine that Pulls-In Cash on Autopilot?

This might sound like a hype that you can setup your own cash pulling machine within next 30 days and make some killer money on autopilot within next few months. If you follow the plan that I lay down in this article, you will have your own cash pulling machine generate cash for you day in day out. But there is one problem. You have to work hard initially. There is no get rich quick system involved right here. Work hard, have patience and think BIG if you want to succeed on the internet. Are you still with me? That's great. Check out these cash pulling steps... Step 1 - Research a Niche. Step 2 - List Building. Step 3 - Product Development. Step 4 - Website Setup. Step 5 - Drive Traffic. The purpose of this article is to show you step by step how to setup your own cash pulling machine within next 30 days step by step. Lets get started... Step 1 - Research a Niche. Research a niche or a topic that you are interested in. Lets say you are interested in setting up a dog training website. Now research this niche. Visit google and check out top 20 websites as to what are they doing. Check out their sales process. What are they selling? How they have created their website? Do they sell their own products or affiliate products? Generate ideas by visiting these sites as they are your competitors. Now grab some top keyword research tool like wordtracker or keywords analyzer. They will give you demand and competition relating to this niche and also show you the profitability ratio. This will help you to make a sound decision whether to go into that niche or not. Your goal is to find out a niche that has sufficient demand and less competition. Once you have researched your niche that you want to target move on to step 2. Step 2 - List Building. It is extremly important to build a list. List building involves the following simple steps... 1. Create a free gift in your niche. 2. Setup a landing page where you give your free gift to your website visitors. 3. Setup an autoresponder that helps in collecting name and email address from your visitors through your website. 4. Setup an ecourse that will follow up your subscribers for months with quality content and also sell your products simultaneously. In part 2 I will cover the remaining steps where I will show you how to get started with your own product almost instantly.

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Using Email Marketing to Stay in Contact With Prospects

Once a contact has been made with a prospect or a customer, a salesperson must remember not to simply stop there. People can forget about a business or forget why that business was so important to them if they are not reminded of it often. This does not mean that a business should inundate a customer or prospect with information, as this can seem overbearing and annoying. However, making sure that a business stays in the mind of a prospect or customer is something that should be important to salespeople, business owners, and others that work in the business of providing goods and services to individuals. One of the best ways to stay in touch with prospects and customers is through the use of email marketing. This obviously only works if the prospect or customer has provided the salesperson with his or her email address, but most people will provide that information to a business if they are actually interested in the product or service. Once a business has a customers or prospects email address, that business can use email marketing to stay in contact with these individuals. By sending out reminders of upcoming sales, holiday announcements, and perhaps even a company newsletter, customers and prospects are reminded of the business without feeling as though they are being nagged to make a purchase. Nagging at customers rarely endears a business to them, but reminding them of important things that they do not want to miss can make them appreciate a business that much more. Sending a happy holiday greeting can liven the spirits of a prospect or customer that may need a little boost, and telling customers about sales that can save them money will also make them want to come back. If they are already customers, they will continue to be customers, and if they are only prospects, they may decide to become customers. This will not only give them good deals, but it will affect the business bottom line and increase its profits.

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What CRM Software Can Do For Your Business

For the salespeople who work at a business and the individuals who own that business, CRM software can be very helpful. However, a lot of people do not realize the importance of CRM software so they do not use it. Other people think that CRM software is too hard for them to use, so they choose to use a different method of keeping track of their clients. If it is too hard to use, people will avoid it, and they will find other ways of keeping track of customers. Other ideas for tracking customers may not be as effective as CRM software solutions, however. Still other individuals may be concerned that CRM software is too costly for them, so they decide it is not cost-effective for their business. Despite some concerns, CRM software is generally the right choice for most businesses, because it works extremely well at keeping track of clients and their information. The most important thing that CRM software can do for a business is to keep it organized. One of the most vital parts of the life of a business is clients and the information which is collected about them. Even a small business must make sure that these clients are kept organized. These clients can get lost in the paperwork and other issues that a business must handle, and this causes them to be neglected and ignored. With CRM software, though, there is much less worry about the clients and their information. CRM software is also very good for keeping client information protected and safe. By doing this, the company is better protected from future problems. Also, many clients feel more comfortable in working with the company. Any sensitive information that is provided to the company will not be lost or compromised. For the salesperson, CRM software is also a good tool. It helps to keep them prepared every day for what they must do. People who work in sales spend a lot of their day just preparing for the next day. They are also concerned about forgetting clients or forgetting appointments. By using CRM software, they reduce the chances of these kinds of problems taking place. Everything that the salesperson needs to know about the client and everything that has to be remembered can be easily stored. Having a salesperson who will not learn the system and use it is basically the only disadvantage to CRM software. This, however, would be the fault of the salesperson, not the fault of the software. CRM software is one of the best ways to build business in many companies. Not all companies will use this software, but those that do find that their business has been improved. Those who need reassurance that they matter to the company can receive this, and salespeople can enjoy better interaction with the clients that they have. When they get that, they want to come back. They feel that they are valued, and they think that their opinions, ideas, and business are important to the company, as well.

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Search Engine Optimization - Even Dummies Can Attract Targeted Website Traffic

Do you want to drive killer targeted website traffic without spending a single red dime? If you answered yes, make sure to tap into the power of search engine optimization. If you know how to optimize your site on the search engines, you are increasing your chance to get indexed by major search engines and get targeted website traffic in the process. The goal is to get your site on the top 10 for multiple keyword searches. Here are 3 power steps you can use starting today to promote your site using search engines... Step 1 - Website Optimization. Step 2 - Get Incoming Links. Step 3 - Setup a Reciprocal Linking Campaign. Lets get down into dirty detail as to how to apply search engine marketing to promote your website... Step 1 - Website Optimization. Make sure to optimize your site with relevant keywords in your niche. Use your keywords in your domain name, title tags, meta tags, header tags and top and bottom portion of your website. Donot abuse the use of keywords. If you do this multiple times you will be tagged as keyword spammer. Just make sure to include your keywords 2% to 3% times in the content of your website. Next step will show you how to get incoming links to your website which search engines really love. Having more links pointing to your site will boost up your website traffic. Step 2 - Get Incoming Links. Work hard to get incoming links to your website. Quality and quantity of your inbound links will determine search engine ranking of your website. The easiest way to get started with getting tons of inbound links to your website is by using article marketing. Write articles and distribute them to various article directories. Next step will show you how to setup a reciprocal linking campaign to boost up your search engine ranking. Step 3 - Setup a Reciprocal Linking Campaign. This is a bit boring and time consuming task. But once you have few hundred link partners you will start receiving killer traffic to your website. You have to be sure that your website is rich in content if you want other quality websites to link to your site.

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MySpace Website Traffic Generation: Drive Massive Traffic Using MySpace

One of the most popular social networking site on the web is MySpace. MySpace is a place that attracts massive traffic from search engines and repeat traffic from millions of visitors from their member base. If you are not trying to direct some traffic to your website using MySpace you are leaving huge piles of targeted website traffic right on the table. Having millions of members makes it an excellent place for us to focus to drive massive website traffic. Here are 5 killer tactics to drive traffic using myspace... 1. Customize your MySpace page. Design your own page, this will help you to bring out your personality. Make it beneficial by including your video, audio, graphics and content that will be valued by the visitors in your niche. To drive traffic to your site donot forget to embed your websites url out there. 2. MySpace Blog. Make sure to create your myspace blog. Blog with myspace, this will help you to create your credibility as an expert in your niche. Post your articles and inlude your website link out there. This will make sure that you provide valuable information to your visitors and in turn this will also help to boost your website traffic. This will make sure that members consider you as an expert in your niche and this will boost your credibility and they will start trusting you. 3. Classified Ad Section. Drive traffic using the classified ad section of your myspace. Make sure that your ads in the classified ads section are keyword rich. This will be useful in increasing your click through rates. 4. Increase Your Network. Constantly keep looking for members who might be interested in your niche. Invite them and make sure that you make them your friends. Ask them their needs and wants. Help them to solve their problems. And then strategically introduce themt to your products and services. 5. Keep Your Profile Updated. Give them new valuable information on your page every time. Post new informative articles, photos or just keep updating your blog with valuable keyword riche content.

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Reaching The Top of Page One In Google In As Little As One Week

When you have the right information, climbing to the top of Google in a very short period of time is entirely within your reach. I am living proof. Two weeks ago, I launched my new website, and now I have multiple listings on page one of the Google search results. An Empirical Truth Scientists make their way in the world relying upon empirical truths. For those who are unaware, an empirical truth can be defined as, "verifiable or provable by means of repeatable observation or experiment." In essence, if you can observe it once, then it is interesting. But, when you can repeat the experiment and achieve the same observations multiple times, then you have evidence of an empirical truth. >From my own observations, what I am about to tell you is an empirical truth, because I have observed it happen again and again. The Challenge In Exposing The Truth Anytime someone writes about how to influence placement in the search engines, the writer faces a difficult choice. In order to light the path of those who come after the writer, the writer must provide some kind of proof as to how the methods work and what kinds of results the writer was able to achieve using the methods. Introducing The Quandary In order to believe my story, many people want to see my keywords so they can personally verify my story by reviewing the Google search results. Although you may not be competing directly with my website and the keywords on which I rank, one can almost guarantee that my competitors may stumble over my tutorial at some point in the future. In other words, if I told you that I was trying to rank for the keyword "cock-a-doodle-doo", then you (the reader) could validate my results. At the same time, my competitor might discover this article and decide to use my methods and my keywords to outrank my own website in the search engines. This actually happened to one of my mentors. In a public discussion of these same methods, he had given a bone to the readers of the forum where he was participating in a discussion. Within eight weeks, two of his top competitors held the top two spots for his keyword phrase, and after a five-year run at number one in Google, he suddenly found himself sitting in the number three spot. So, the question is how I tell my story in a way that will help you to also see the light, without giving away the light bulb... Have A Little Faith In Those Who Are Looking Out For You Some of you may choose to have faith in the story that I tell. Others will choose to deny my methods, on the principle that they cannot see my results for themselves. All I ask is that you have a little faith in my story. Then run your own test. Your test will not require a major investment, but when you see your website climbing from nowhere to somewhere in the Google results, you will be glad that you took my story on a little bit of faith. Some Background One of my mentors, Bill Platt, has been telling me about these methods for years. But to be honest, the picture just was not clear in my brain, for longer than I would care to admit. Now and again, I would read something by one of the Internet gurus, and they would tell that they used these methods themselves. When the really rich people on the Internet tell you something about how to perform well on the Internet, it has always been my position that you should listen. I listened; well, I mostly listened anyway. I hooked up with Bill shortly after having been told the importance of article marketing. Bill seemed to have the answers concerning the article-marketing model, having been in the business himself for a number of years, through his website ( Bill always told me that writing articles was about generating traffic and sales from the placement of my articles in ezines. He had also told me that if I played the game right, I could even benefit the rankings of my website in the search engines. I started using Bill's article distribution service to put my articles into circulation. Bill had also advised that his clients, who get the greatest benefit from article marketing, use multiple systems to distribute their articles. He advised that Willie Crawford ( was one of the Internet guru's who used more than one distribution service to put his articles into the wild. Bill said that using more than one service was a good thing, because most article distribution services have their own unique reach, enabling the writer to get published in more ezines and on more websites. He emphasized that the goal should be to get as many people to your website as possible, using your articles as a method for introducing the reader to your website. Beware Of Your Own Smartness After using Bill's article distribution services for a few months, I had the privilege of reading John Reese's Traffic Secrets ( John offered many useful tips for a successful online business, but one piece of advice he offered I implemented immediately. John emphasized the importance of tracking our results. He said that in order to see what is successful, we must have a method in place to enable us to track where our traffic came from. Suddenly, I realized that although I knew that my website had been driving a lot of traffic, I had really no idea where that traffic was coming from or its cause. Let me clarify that a bit. I knew that most of my traffic was coming from the large numbers of articles that I had distributed through Bill's service and the service of one of his competitors ( But, I did not know which articles were generating the bulk of my traffic. So, I followed John's advice and bought a software package designed to help me track my results ( Then, I told Bill that from that day forward, we would need to use tracking URL's with all of the articles I distributed through his service. Bill agreed that tracking was important, but he suggested that there are better ways to track results than the one I was proposing. I listened to John, but I did not fully listen to Bill's advice. Looking back, I kick myself daily for not listening to Bill in that one moment.

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A Simple Plan To Market Online - Earn Money Instantly!

So you want to make money online but you dont have your own products and have no marketing idea. I will give you a simple solution to your problem.
1. You Need a product to sell
The first thing you need to do is to find a with niche market. My suggestion is to sell digital product like software or ebook those are the easiest product to sell online.
I will pick a product for you to help you understand the concept. To sell an ebook software Go to Join free the affiliate program there. Once you joined you will get you own unique affiliate URL. Save the URL in your notepad. That's the URL you will promote. (No Cost)
2. You need to promote it.
Use google to promote the product easily. Google is the most used search engine and we all know that the traffic is the highest quality as it's targeted traffic. Use the Adword service. Setup here: To activate the account only will cost you $5. You will need to write your own ad and choose the keywords for the product.
Okay now to sell the software just pick ebook software as the main keyword and now go to: And type the keyword "ebook software" you will get another several alternative keywords to use for your campaign.
You will also need to setup you maximum cost per click, I suggest just use $0.05-0.10. The idea is that google will show your ad and per click you will be charged as the cost that you have setup first. This way you will only pay if the google send you a qualified prospect.
For the software you can use this ad: Headline: Easy Ebook Creator 1st line: Create Professional Ebooks 2nd line: With Ebook Cover Only $19.97 URL: (your Affiliate URL)
3. Monitor your campaign and make adjustment where necessary. You can edit your ad and add another keywords for the campaign.
Okay that's all the plan. That's the simple plan you can start applying it.

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So, Is It Possible To Earn Free Money Online Fast?

The answer is – yes! You can earn free money online fast, even without any web site or affiliate marketing. You'll only need to invest some of YOUR time and a small amount of money.
It doesn't matter if you are a stay-at-home Mom or Dad; a college student or a teacher; someone looking for a business opportunity; saving up for something special; or you just need to pay off some bills. The bottom line is this - you could use an extra source of income, right?
To begin here are some quick Questions & Answers you may have about free Internet cash:
Q: How much money can I make?
A: Several hundred. It depends only on YOU.
Q: How fast?
A: You'll have the money in your bank no later then 3 months. Usually, on average it should take about 2 months.
Q: Can anyone do it?
Yes, but in this article I will explain how to earn free money online only if you are: from the USA, you have a credit card, and you can invest some small money in order to make much, much more.
If one thing is for sure, it's that nothing out there is totally free. (And if someone says it is, they're probably selling something.) Whatever business online or offline - in order to make money you must invest some first. And I will tell you shortly where and how to do that. Just keep reading on...
Q: Is it safe to use my credit card?
A: Yes, absolutely.
Q: Must I have a web site or a list?
A: Nope. If you are from the USA and if you have a credit card, you can start earning free money online immediately.
OK, enough of playing the questions and answers game. Your only question left by now must be...
Where And How Do I Get The Free Cash?
The short answer is - using online rewards programs.
Don't know what a rewards program is? A rewards program pays cash for all your actions: completing offers, shopping, reading emails, referring your friends, and more. You can visit and see what a typical rewards program looks like and how it works.
Now I guess there should be two categories of readers. The internet "newbies", who will say they don't understand how it all works; and the internet gurus who will say that all reward programs are scams.
Wait! I will prove to you that they work in a moment; and that you can make not only extra cash but receive some great stuff too.
To get started making money with incentive companies, one needs to create an account with a rewards program like Cash4Offers. You will need an email address to sign up...
Worried about your privacy and spam? Please don't! They will never send you spam, you can cancel anytime, and the email address is only used to track all of your actions when you complete offers, shop, etc. That's how they know who to pay the free money.
Hey, in most cases you will get a sign-up bonus just for signing up!
And now, I'll explain to you...
How to Earn Free Money Online Completing Offers?
Here is the Cash4Offers offers section link:
If you click on the above link you can see that there are many various offers available, ranging from credit card applications to internet service provider deals. And, they all will pay a certain amount of cash to your Cash4Offers account if you accept them... But, just to warn you, most of the offers will require that you use your credit card. That's why I told you about the money you'll need to invest in the beginning. Not to worry though, you can definitely make more than you spend, and most of the offers are great trial deals where you can receive not only free cash but top merchandise too.
There were total of 111 offers available when I wrote this article on 22/11/2004.
Make sure to log-in to your account and access the offers from the member's area when completing the offers so that your cash is credited to your account.
If you wonder where the free money comes from, here is the answer - incentive companies are affiliated with top online merchants (advertisers), and the merchants pay a commission for advertising their products and services. Rewards companies pass the majority of the commission they make on to YOU, the customer, when you accept their offers!
And here is my promise to you...
A Proof You Can Earn Free Money Online
Please open or download the following excel file to your computer:
As you can see I have selected only the offers that interested me from the first 3 pages of all available offers at Cash4Offers. And look what my earnings potential is -- I can make $65.40 after completing only 13 offers (approximately $5.00 for each offer), and receive a bunch of great merchandise too! Remember there were 111 offers available. Imagine how much I could earn if I completed all of the offers?!
It doesn't matter if you have already signed up with a rewards program or not, I advise you to explore all available offers and use the above excel file as a template in order to evaluate your earnings potential. Just click on each offer that interests you and make notes of all offer details - how much you earn, how much you have to invest, your profit, the merchandise you receive, and your total profit. Use the template every time you decide to complete offers online.
It really helps to decide which offers are the best choice for you and what you will receive by completing each of them. Of course, although there are well over one hundred offers available, you should complete only the ones that really interest you. You are not going to apply for all available credit card offers, or get a free trial of all ISPs, are you? My guess is that you should be able to make about $200 - $500 by completing all of the offers that interest you.
How long does it take to receive cash for completing the offers? Well, some offers pay instantly! And some may take up to 30 days (e.g. some credit card applications) before you receive your cash to your reward program's account.
If you don't receive the cash from the offer within 30 days of accepting it, you should contact the rewards program and send them all of the details related to the offer:
The date of offer completion
The confirmation email
Your contact info: name, email address, phone number etc.
Usually the rewards company will do the investigation for you and if you really completed the offer (offers) they will credit your account with the offer cash amount within about 3 weeks.
Got your cash in your account? Great! What's next? Now, the last step...
Request Payment & Verify Your Account
Why do reward programs ask you to verify your account by phone or mail? The answer is simply this - they are trying to protect their advertisers and themselves from fraud.
So, request your payment either by check or another method if available, and expect a phone call several days before your payment is processed. You should receive your payment in about a week or two!
Well, it was easy making free cash on the internet, wasn't it? But your earning potential doesn't stop there, you could make even more by receiving cash-back for shopping or referring your friends. But that's another story for the next article.
P.S. FYI, you can choose to receive great free stuff like computers, TVs, gift cards and much more instead of free cash, again, by completing offers. Visit for more information about all available online rewards that you can take advantage of.

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Free Affiliate Programs - an instrument to earn money online

You can use free affiliate programs to earn money from your web-traffic.
If you have a website with some traffic, you can make money by having links to merchants' online shops on your site. If someone goes through your links into the shop of the merchant, and buys something, you earn commission from the sale, between 5% and 40% depending on type of merchant. Some merchants also pay for each click or each lead. A lead is a new visitor to the shop that asks for more information or prize offers.
People or companies having these links on their web-sites, are called affiliates, and the links are called affiliate links. The administrative infrastructure by the merchant that the affiliate register into, in order to get the linking code, is called an affiliate program.
To register into an affiliate program is usually free, and through the program you get freely all you need to make the linking code, to monitor the traffic through your links, and to see what commission you have earned.
An affiliate program is not a MLM program, since the affiliates only earn from sales, leads or clicks.
However, in many programs you can recruit other affiliates and earn some commission from the sales made by the recruited affiliates too.
There are also common networks operated by third-part companies where several merchants use a common software and administrative infrastructure to recruit affiliates and monitor the traffic from affiliates. These are called affiliate networks. Both the merchants and potetial affiliates register into the network, and the affiliates can find links to the online shops of hundreds of merchants to use at their web-site. Examples of affiliate networks are Commission Junction and Clixgalore.
From my experience, the best affiliate programs are for merchants selling alternative health items or items for erotic improvements. I also have good experience with programs in the fields skincare, cosmetics and hobby.
What will work best for you, will however depend upon the kind of traffic you have, and the interests of people visiting your site.

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How To Earn Money Online

I swear, my former housemate was the biggest dummy on the planet. His name was Amos, and he was the epitome of the word slacker. Most of the time, he would sit around and do nothing but smoke pot, while incessantly blasting reggae music is loud as the stereo could play it. I swear, one time we had to turn off the power to his room on the surge suppressor just to get some sleep, and boy, the dummy never even got wise that was us that killed the power. He made his living selling drugs, and incense down on Teleride avenue in Colorado Springs, where all of the hippies, street punks, and freaks come together and do, more or less, not a damn thing. One of the stupider (although by no means, stupidest) things that I saw him do was to buy a earn money online kit off of the internet. This was one of those deals were promised him that he could earn money online by setting up his own business with things he already had. This was a look to draw people in because they didn't have to expend a lot of money to do it. It advertised it as if all that he would have to do was to sit back and watch the cash roll in. Of course, the this was old fiction and he got burned. I mean, how could you earn money online selling crappy hand dipped incense? Who in their right mind could think that? He must have actually thought that there was a market for because in his own little world he thought it was cool. Like there weren't already a million other people trying to earn money online selling the same substandard products. Could you imagine trying to sell incense and a brick and mortar business where they can't even smelled the product, to say nothing of making money online with it. It isn't even like he had a nice, or interesting web page. He just bought a stock web design out of a box, slapped it up on the Internet and thought that that was all it would take to earn money online. To earn money online is much more complex than most people think and we try to explain that to him, but he'd just give us that blank, irritated look that was permanently affixed to his face. He was pretty much clueless about how the marketplace ran and he surely did not want to hear about how there were already enough people trying to earn money online, and failing at it, selling the same kinds of crappy things that he was. After a while we just gave up and let him do whatever he wanted because sometimes you get tired of banging your head against a brick wall, and he was our brick wall. People definitely to earn money online, but you have to have a clue first.

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2 Ways to Create Online Marketing Business Opportunity & Start Earning Huge Money Online Now

Now, I am going to give you 2 ways to create online marketing business opportunity & start earning huge money online now. You’ll discover the real home based business opportunity in this article. I am sure that those two ways have been workable and proven to the success in the past. Also, I strongly believe that they can be workable and success in the future for your home based online business. READ THIS: If you are truly serious about home based online business and are looking for the real home based business opportunity. Within this article on creating online marketing homeworker business opportunities, we'll look at ways that you are able to build your home based online business through online marketing. There are many different ways that you can go around this so we will look at a couple of very good and low-cost ways to do this. One of the best ways that you're able to market online at a low cost is through giveaways. You can do this in many different approaches but one the best ways is to go to free forums and post that you have free giveaways at your website. You will want your giveaway item to be very low cost. By keeping costs low, you can post to these forums on a regular basis and receive steady traffic which can help you build your website. You'll be generating a great deal of traffic for yourself at a very low cost. There are many different ways to run a sweepstakes or a giveaways contest but many websites will have giveaways pursuant upon the fact that you sign up for their newsletter. Make sure that the people who sign up are ones that you want to target because your newsletter can be your greatest source of marketing. This is an extremely powerful way to create your reputation and build your opt-in list dramatically. Look at what Google does in the past! They give people to use their service for FREE to build up their reputation, brands, and creditability. Once people are using Google search engine and familiar with Google, they don’t want to change to other search engines for their search any more. Giving away method is a great way to build people’s familiar! Another great way that you can drive about more laser-targeted traffic to your website is through Adwords campaign (Adwords is a kind of Pay-Per-Click campaign). Adwords is a form of advertising that is run by Google where you are allowed to bid on certain keywords that people search for. You can run your marketing using a budget and you'll know that you're getting the target audience that you want towards your website. One of the ways that you can work at saving and maintaining a budget using Adwords is to log into your Google account every day to see how much it is costing you to use your keywords. By looking at how much it costs for keywords, you can make sure that your marketing budget is right on track with what you should be. You can also get an idea as to trends developing with the costs of Adwords. My experiences show that you have to learn and know exactly how to make profits online through Pay-Per-Click campaign or Adwords. Without the appropriate knowledge, you can lose a huge of money online overnight! I highly recommend you to learn steps-by-steps of how to build highly profitable Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign or Adwords campaign before you enter into the PPC world. Hopefully this article on creating online marketing business opportunities will help you out. The first part of this article focused on online marketing homeworker business opportunities and how to build your online business. A different angle on creating online marketing homeworker business opportunities is spotlighted now. There is a great deal of unused advertising out there which could be bought up at discounts on what online advertising firms normally charge. If you were able to find a great deal of this unused advertising and buy it at a discount, you could resell it to other companies looking to put more of their advertising out online and charge them a higher price. This is often known as advertising arbitrage where you buy the ad spots at a discount and then resell them at a slightly higher price but making sure that the people who ultimately by your ads are getting a very good discount. All parties win in this particular engagement. This gives you something to think about the next time that you see empty spaces on a website's home page. Finally, I highly encourage you to start your own online business with the above two strategies right now. Also, I highly recommend you to learn everything you have to know for building your highly profitable successful home based internet marketing business.

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