Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Five Secrets To Making Money

If you were granted one wish what would it be? Most people, in one way or another would wish for more money. They believe that making more money will solve all of their problems and buy them happiness.Many of these people play the lottery, or are always looking for the next get rich quick scheme, but the real reason only 1% of the world's population controls 98% of the wealth is because they know things others don't.What do they know? They know the secrets to making money. These methods are tried and true and haven't changed for hundreds of years. On their own these practices will not guarantee you wealth, but if you use them in accordance with good business and marketing strategies it is hard not to become successful.Making Money Secret #1"Start your own business." Hardly anyone gets rich from a job, unless they are about to be the next CEO at a giant corporation. Even then, you only technically make your money when you are physically at work.Really making money entails making money 24/7, when you work, play, eat or sleep. Start a business that provides you cash flow whether you are there or not.Making Money Secret #2"Time." Time is the one variable on this earth that is the same for everyone. There are only twenty-four hours in a day and one of the main differences between the wealthy and those that aren't is how their time is spent. Wealthy individuals use their spare time to improve their future quality of life. The rest spend their time eating potato chips and zoning out in front of the television.Making Money Secret #3"You are what you think about." If you think about negative things and negative circumstances, you will get negative results. On the other hand, if you think positively about your future, you will achieve positive results.Making money is no different, you need to tell yourself exactly how much you want to make and then believe it to be true. It is this unconditional belief, along with good business skills that will make you money and bring you success in whatever you desire.Making Money Secret #4"Learn, learn, learn, and apply." You are going to need to devour and I mean devour every piece of instructional or educational material that pertains to business and making money. Then you are going to need to take action and apply that knowledge.Making Money Secret #5"Be persistent." This doesn't mean to use the same newspaper ad over and over again if it isn't producing customers or leads, being persistent means to always be focused on your end goal and do whatever is necessary to achieve it.You will probably be surprised at the amount of effort required and the difficult earning experiences you need to go through to become successful. Always keep trying new angles.The road to wealth will be bumpy so you had better be able to face whatever comes your way without getting down on yourself. This is why most people quit, they expect impossible results in a very short amount of time and then when they aren't meant they shout out, "this stuff doesn't work," and go back to their job saying that "money is the root of all evil."Believe me, money is not the root of all evil. Have you ever heard a wealthy person say that? I haven't. Follow the secrets to making money and give your life the freedom it deserves.

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