Sunday, March 16, 2008

Top 5 Reasons Why Goal Setting Does not Work for You!!

Despite the fact that success gurus recommend you to set goals, from the yearly, monthly then daily goals, have you ever wondered why you do not feel motivated to work on your own goals?The success gurus say that setting goals is important, they state that you need to plan for success; if you do not plan, you plan to fail! However, why don’t you get motivated by the goals you set? Below are some of the reasons that may cause the blockage, check if any of the reasons below describe your conditions:1. UnrealisticBefore you set your goals, have you to ensure that those goals are realistic and achievable? For example if you never become a millionaire, but your goal is to be a millionaire in 1 month without guidance then your goal is unrealistic. Instead, you should set your millionaire goal into a few years, and break it into small goals then it become more realistic.2. Values MisalignmentBefore you set your goals, it is important to ensure that your goals align with your values or your purpose in life. When people become disconnected from their values, they lose their motivation. For example, if a person’s main value is justice, and he sets a goal on becoming a millionaire in one year, there is no way he will feel motivate towards this financial goal especially if he does not feel that his main value—justice is fulfilled.So when you set your goals, make sure they align with your own values. These goals are not what people tell you to set, but they are your own goals. In other words, if you want to achieve your goals, make sure they align with your values or purpose in life first.3. FearDo you have any fears that keep you from achieving your goals? Any fear of rejection or fear of failure? Too concern about how people may perceive you when you tell them you want to be a millionaire?According to Bill Gates, if you want to be successful, you have to ignore rejection and self-esteem. Fear's real function is to keep you safe. However, sometimes, it can paralyze you into inaction.Have you ever experienced rejection, judgment, or embarrassment? Sure, we all have! It's fear's job to keep you safe from feeling those emotions. When you're about to take a step toward success, you may think of 100 reasons not to take the step, and they all may be centered on fear. If fear over-control your life, you need to learn to handle it.4. ThoughtsIs there any self-criticism in your unconscious mind when you set your goals? Check. Do you always have negative thoughts in your mind: “Stupid!! XXX(your name), you think you can really achieve this! Don’t fantasize anymore!” If yes, you need to learn to analyze why inner self-criticism occur, go to the root of the problem and solve it. Otherwise, there is no way you can achieve your goals.5. WordsStart to analyze from now on with the words you use verbally or internally, are they all conducive towards your goals, or do the words actually sabotage your dreams or goals? Observe if you say…• “ I’m not sure if I can achieve this dream” OR• “I’ll try to make this dreams come true” OR• “ I’m 100% committed to make my dream a success”From the 1st statement, you may not even try to take any action for your goals because you don’t even believe if you can do it. Check for your reasons of doubt and solve it before you work towards your goals.From the 2nd statement, you may put 50% effort or lesser to make your dream come true, because you are not even sure if you can achieve your dream.From the 3rd statement, you will do everything it takes to make your dream come true!Ask yourself, which type of sentence you usually use in your self-talk, as I have stated earlier on, the result for each statement, so speak wisely to yourself, and most importantly honor what you say to yourself. If not, how would others honor your word?

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