Sunday, March 16, 2008

How to Start a Home Based Business

Are you a stay at home mom? Or are you forced to be at home because of some physical handicap? Well, these reasons shouldn't stop you from earning your own income and being able to be financially independent! Here are some tips to help you start your own home based business.Analyze your budgetThis is the first step towards starting your own home based business. You will need to see how much money is coming in at present, how much you will need to spend and how much you can set aside as savings. You can also assess your inherent skills, experiences and learnings from the previous job etc. This way you will know which sort of home based business you need to start. Almost every home based business opportunity is going to demand a certain amount of money and investment. So you need to know where you stand at present as far as financial stability is concerned.Matching skills to businessesThe next step is to analyze your current market. Check to see which trends are doing well, what people tend to prefer etc. Also be sure to assess your own skills first to see which kinds of businesses are most suitable for your purpose. You can easily browse the Internet to find scores of opportunities which are sure to match your skill sets. Through intensive research and study of the market you can find a suitable target segment for your business.Competitive analysisLet's face it - at the end of the day, home based or not a business is a business. That means competition. So you need to assess your current competition in the niche you have identified for yourself. Find out what your competitors are offering. Then assess what is it that you can do differently because that is going to be your USP or value proposition. Business workflowEvery business needs to be organized and systematic in order to succeed. Therefore if you intend on starting a home based business you need to establish a definite workflow and set of processes which will keep the business going. Take each department one by one. Start with the sales and marketing, take into consideration aspects like raising the invoice, promotional materials to be used, demos etc. In terms of accounting, you need to have functional and robust payment gateways established on your website. Then you also need to attend to details like website management, purchase statistics etc. You will also need to regularly monitor the performance of your website via back end logs.Business planYou will also need to lay down a definite business plan. This will talk in detail about the target market you are dealing with, the profile of the audience, demographics, as well as scope of the business. Then talk about USPs of your product, how you intend to capture the market. Talk about definite advertising plans or promotions you wish to embark on. You can also elaborate on the criteria which you think will boost sales and talk about capitalizing on each of these.Theory vs. practiceWhile you might have laid down everything about the home based business on paper, fact is, it's a lot about trial and error. Since you are running a business you need to be equipped and prepared to take risks. You will also need to test out different aspects of your business model against real world scenarios to find out which one works and which doesn't. Sometimes you will also find that what sounds good on paper may actually backfire when applied to the real world.Business objectivesEvery business's success depends on its future goals. Therefore you will also need to set down definite goals for the short term, medium and long term. You will need to figure out if you're happy with promoting other products for a premium or commission or you are happier making your own products and selling them by yourself. While both approaches have their own pros and cons, many people have earned money through both these methods. However the business model you choose will depend on your goals - both personal and professional.

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